Font License for Less Dead

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Product Details

Less Dead is an eroded lowercase font with a distressed and weathered appearance that gives it a sense of authenticity and character. The rough edges and uneven lines of this font make it perfect for designs that require a gritty or vintage look, such as band logos, movie posters, or urban-themed products. Despite its distressed look, Less Dead is still highly legible and easy to read, making it a great choice for headings and short passages of text. Its organic and imperfect shapes give it a human touch that adds a sense of warmth and nostalgia to any project. If you're looking for a font that can convey a sense of history, authenticity, and character, Less Dead is a great choice.

Font Details

Uppercase: Same as lowercase

Lowercase: Yes

Numbers: Yes

Symbols & Punctuation: Yes

Accents: Yes

Theme: horror, eroded, handwritten, handwritten, terror

Choose the Right License for Your Needs

Selecting the appropriate license is crucial to ensure seamless and compliant usage of our fonts. Review the options below to identify the best fit for your requirements:

1. Commercial License

  • User Access: Single user.
  • Device Limit: Up to 5 computers.
  • Project Scope: Use allowed exclusively for the license owner's projects, including creating and selling merchandise with the license owner's designs or logo. Not permitted for projects or designs intended for multiple clients or external third parties.
  • Duration: Lifetime license.
  • Notes: Best for individual freelancers and professionals. Ensures individual commercial use only.

2. Extended License

  • User Access: Multi-user, up to 10.
  • Device Limit: Up to 20 computers.
  • Project Scope: Unlimited commercial projects, inclusive of merchandise.
  • Duration: Lifetime license.
  • Notes: Suited for small to mid-sized teams and businesses, offering expansive distribution rights.

3. Corporate License

  • User Access: Unlimited users, enterprise-wide.
  • Device Limit: Unlimited organization computers.
  • Software Embedding: Allowed for software application embedding.
  • Server Installation: Permitted for web fonts or automated processes.
  • App License: Use within mobile or desktop applications.
  • Project Scope: Unlimited commercial projects with global distribution.
  • Duration: Lifetime license.
  • Notes: Ideal for corporations and large-scale agencies, granting complete access and integration.

Ensure you choose the right license for your intended usage to avoid potential licensing conflicts in the future.

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